Enhancing the Trip Maintenance application

In this lesson you will enhance the Trip Maintenance application that you created in Lesson 2. You will modify the application to include a main application page that lets Compass Travel employees do these tasks:

The following list identifies the application components that you will create in this lesson:

The primary users of these components will be the Compass Travel coordinators and agents, not the general public.

Showing additional trip details

By design, the Trip Search Results page displays a subset of the information about a trip. To get additional information about any of the trips displayed, the user should be able to click on any row to display the detailed trip data.

In the following exercise, you build a Trip Detail page to provide all the information about a particular trip that is stored in the Compass Travel trips database. The following figure shows an example of the Trip Detail page that you will build:

This image shows a picture of the Trip Detail page.

After you complete the Trip Maintenance application in this tutorial, you will use this Trip Detail page in several ways:

Exercise: building a Trip Detail page

Follow these steps to build a Trip Detail page.

To build a Trip Detail page:

  1. Open your editor and create a new ColdFusion page. Remove any lines if your editor adds.
  2. To create a query to select a single trip from the Trips table, enter the following code:
    <cfquery name="TripQuery" dataSource="compasstravel" maxRows=1>
    SELECT tripID, tripName, tripDescription, tripLocation, departureDate, 
    returnDate, price, tripLeader, photo, baseCost, numberPeople, depositRequired
    <cfif IsDefined("URL.ID")>
    WHERE tripID = #URL.ID#
  3. To output the results from the query, append the following cfoutput code after the code you added in step 2.
    <cfoutput query="TripQuery">
      <img src="images/tripmaintenance.gif">
  4. To display the data fields on the Trip Detail page, place the following code above the </cfoutput> tag you added in step 3. Alternatively, you can copy this HTML code from the tripdetail.txt file in the solutions directory.
        <td valign="top">  Trip Name:
        <td>  #tripName#
        <td valign="top">  Description:
        <td>  #tripDescription#
        <td valign="top">  Location:
        <td>  #tripLocation#
        <td valign="top">  Departure Date:
        <td>  #departureDate#
        <td valign="top">  Return Date:
        <td>  #returnDate#
        <td valign="top">  Price:
        <td>  #price#
        <td valign="top">  Base Cost:
        <td>  #baseCost#
        <td valign="top">  Trip Leader:
        <td>  #tripLeader#
        <td valign="top">  Number People:
        <td>  #numberPeople#
        <td valign="top">  Deposit Required:
        <td>  #depositRequired#
        <td valign="top">  Photo File:
        <td>  #photo#
  5. To provide a title that appears on the browser window, insert the following HTML code before the <cfoutput query = "TripQuery"> line:
      <title> Trip Maintenance - View Record </title>
  6. Insert the ending body and html tags at the end of the page:
  7. Save the file as tripdetail.cfm in the my_app directory.
  8. The Rio Cahabon Rafting trip has an tripID of 24. To view the trip detail for the trip in your browser enter one of the following URLs::
    Web server configuration
    For stand-alone ColdFusion web server configuration
    For local third-party web server configuration

    The following page shows the expected result:

    This image shows a picture of Trip Maintenance page.

Reviewing the code

The following table describes the ColdFusion code used to build the Trip Detail page:
<cfquery name="TripQuery"
dataSource="CompassTravel" maxRows=1>

The cfquery tag includes a maxRows attribute. This attribute limits the number of result rows brought back from the database. In the Trip Detail page, we want to only show a single row at a time, therefore, maxRows is set to 1.
<cfif IsDefined("URL.ID")>
	WHERE tripID = #URL.ID#
The URL.ID specifies a parameter that can be contained within the URL that requests this page. If the ID parameter is passed within the URL, it is used in the SQL query to identify the tripID to SELECT. You can use the CFML function IsDefined to determine if a parameter is passed within the URL. It can also be used to determine if the user has entered data in form fields prior to the form post action.

As you can see, you can build comprehensive database query applications using CFML and dynamic SQL. To further test the new Trip Detail page that you created, you will link it to the search facility that you built in Lesson 2. However, before you link the search facility you built in Lesson 2, you need to understand a potential security risk using dynamic SQL. The following section describes this risk and how to code around it.

Avoiding the potential security risk when using dynamic SQL

To reduce round trips between the client and the database server, many SQL database servers permit the client to submit multiple SQL statements in a single request, separated by a semicolon (;). For these database managements systems, the following SQL request is valid:

DELETE from trips where tripLocation = 'China'; SELECT tripName from trips

This request may be an efficient way to list the trips that remain after the database management system removes the China trip. Problems arise when the SQL statement is built dynamically.

In the Trip Maintenance application, when the client program or user passes an ID in the URL that calls the Trip Detail page, the page displays the relevant trip information. The following code builds the correct WHERE clause supporting this behavior:

<cfif IsDefined("URL.ID")>
  WHERE tripID = #URL.ID#

If a user called the Trip Detail page using the following statement:


the SQL database management system executes the proper SQL SELECT statement, then immediately erases the Trips table from the database.

Protecting your application

To ensure that your application is protected from such an attack, you can exploit the fact that the ID must be a numeric value. The CFML Val function returns the numeric value at the beginning of a string expression. You can use the Val function as follows:

<cfif IsDefined("URL.ID")>
  WHERE tripID = #Val(URL.ID)#

Now if non-numeric data is passed within the URL ID field, the Val statement returns 0, and the trip with ID 0 displays (if one exists). If the user enters the previously cited URL (http://localhost/cfdocs/getting_started/my_app/tripdetail.cfm?ID=24;DROP+trips), the application ignores the non-numeric values and displays the trip information of trip ID 24.

Warning:   The exercises in this tutorial ignore the dynamic SQL risk from attack. You must use the Val function in your applications to eliminate the risk.

Linking the Search Results page to the Trip Detail page

In the next exercise you will modify the Trip Search Results page to let the user view the details of any trip. To do this, you will convert the trip name entries in the results page to links, which will display the trip's detailed information in the detail page.

Exercise: linking the Search Results page with the Trip Detail page

Use the following steps to link the Trip Search Results page (tripsearchresult.cfm) to the Trip Detail page (tripdetail.cfm).

To create links between pages:

  1. Open the tripsearchresult.cfm page from the my_app directory and replace the #tripName# in the cfoutput block with the following code:
    <a href="tripdetail.cfm?ID=#URLEncodedFormat(tripID)#">
    #tripName# </a> 

    Note:   The URLEncodedFormat is a ColdFusion function that returns a URL-encoded string. Spaces are replaced with %20, and nonalphanumeric characters with equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences. The function lets you pass arbitrary strings within a URL, because ColdFusion automatically decodes URL parameters that are passed to the page.

  2. Save the file and view the tripsearch.cfm page from the my_app directory in your browser.
  3. In the Trip Location drop-down list box, select Begins With and type the value C in the trip location text box then click Search.

    The Trip Search Results page displays a hyperlink for each trip name listed, as the following figure shows:

    This image shows a picture of the Trip Search Results page.

  4. To view the Trip Detail page for a trip, click on the trip name.

You might notice that the dates and prices in both the Trip Detail and Trip Search Results pages are unformatted. You will improve the appearance of the application in the next exercise.

Enhancing the look of the search results and detail pages

The Trip Maintenance search now provides a useful drill-down mechanism for locating trips. While this application is functionally sound, the appearance of the dates and dollar amounts could be improved.

ColdFusion provides several functions to improve the application appearance. The DateFormat and DollarFormat functions format dates and currency variables. ColdFusion provides.

Another part of the application that could be improved is the Trip Search Results table. In a large list, it is sometimes difficult to correctly read the contents of a row in the middle of the table because it is sandwiched between two other rows. To avoid mistakes in reading the table, it would be helpful to alternate the background color of each row in the table.

The HTML table row <tr> tag has a bgcolor attribute to change the background color for a given row. To highlight every other row, the background color could be changed alternatively to yellow or white. To change the background color for each row, you must determine whether the row is an odd or even row. Therefore, you must obtain the sequence number of the current row and test if it is evenly divisible by 2.

As described in Chapter 2, ColdFusion offers a modulus function (MOD) that returns the remainder (modulus) after a number is divided by a divisor; for example,10 MOD 3 is 1.

If the MOD function returns a value greater than 0, a cfif test of its result evaluates to True. If the MOD function returns 0, the cfif check fails.

The following example uses the MOD function to alternate the background color of table rows:

<cfoutput query="tripResult">
<cfif CurrentRow Mod 2>
  <cfset BackColor="White">
  <cfset BackColor="Yellow">
<tr bgcolor= "#BackColor#"> 

Notice that the MOD function uses a variable called CurrentRow. Notice also that CurrentRow is not defined anywhere in tripsearchresult.cfm. The CurrentRow variable is one of a few variables that ColdFusion automatically exposes that provide information about the query. These variables are often called query variables.

Query variables

In addition to using the cfquery tag to return data from a ColdFusion data source, you also can use it to return information about a query. To do this, the cfquery tag creates a query object, providing information in query variables as described in the following table:
Variable Name
The number of records returned by the query.
The current row of the query being processed by cfoutput.
A comma-delimited list of the query columns.

When a query variable is referenced within a cfoutput block, the qualifying query_name is assumed to be the query identified in the QUERY attribute of the cfoutput tag and does not need the qualifier query_name. That is why the CurrentRow variable is unqualified in the previous modulus code example.

For more information about using the modulus function or query variables in ColdFusion applications, see Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.

Exercise: formatting the display

In this exercise, you format the currency and date fields in the Trip Search Results page and the Trip Detail page. Additionally, you modify the Trip Search Results page to alternate the background color of the result table rows.

To format the table:

  1. To format the Trip Detail page dollar and date fields, open the tripdetail.cfm in the my_app directory in your editor and make the following changes:
    Existing code
    Change to
    #dateformat(departureDate, "mm/dd/yyyy")#
    #dateformat(returnDate, "mm/dd/yyyy")#
  2. To format the currency and date fields on the Trips Search Results page, open the tripsearchresult.cfm in your editor and make the same changes for departureDate, returnDate, and price as in step 1.
  3. To alternate the background color of the rows of the search results table, delete the table row tag <tr> that immediately follows the <cfoutput query="TripResult">, and replace it with the following code:
    <cfif CurrentRow Mod 2>
      <cfset BackColor="White">
      <cfset BackColor="Yellow">
    <TR bgcolor= #BackColor#>
  4. Save the files then open your browser and navigate to the tripsearch.cfm page in the my_app directory. Again, enter Begins With and C in the location search criteria, and click Search.

    The Trip Search Results page appears:

    This image shows a picture of debugging information appended to the bottom of a form page.

  5. In the Trip Search Result page, click the link for Riding the Rockies.

    The properly formatted Trip Detail page appears:

    This image shows a picture of the Trip Detail page.

Creating the main application page from the Trip Detail page

To this point in the tutorial, you created a very useful drill-down query facility. Compass Travel trip coordinators can produce lists required by management and easily locate and display information about any trip. There are several requirements that were identified in Lesson 1, however, that you have not addressed: the ability to browse through the Trips table, and the ability to add, delete, and edit trip information.

The trip coordinator must be viewing the details of a specific trip to edit trip information or delete a trip. The Trip Detail page provides this trip-specific detail information. Therefore, you will use the Trip Detail page as the main Trip Maintenance application page.

You will modify the Trip Detail page so that it can act as a main switchboard to accomplish this additional functionality. The Trip Detail page shows information about a single trip. You will convert the Trip Detail page into the main application page by adding the following functionality:

Adding navigation buttons to browse database

The drill-down search function developed in the last exercise is very useful when the user knows some search criteria to enter. Unfortunately, however, flipping back and forth between the results page and the detail page to navigate through a record set can be tedious. Moreover, on occasion the trip coordinator might want to browse the Trips database just to check for anomalies or to become familiar with its contents. In these cases, the user does not know the criteria to search for in advance.

For example, an anomaly may exist on any trip record, the trip coordinator would have no idea what search criteria to specify on the search form to find these problem records. To solve this problem, the browse function gives the coordinator the ability to navigate sequentially through the trips table using the single record trips display. The following figure shows the navigation buttons. The label under each button describes which row to display relative to the currently displayed row:

This image shows a picture of the Trip Detail page navigation buttons.

Exercise: adding navigation buttons to the Trip Detail page

In this exercise, you use the HTML form and input tags to add the navigational buttons to the Trips Detail page.

To add navigation:

  1. Open the tripdetail.cfm in the my_app directory in your editor.
  2. To implement the trip navigation buttons, insert the following code between the
    </table> and</cfoutput> tags in the tripdetail.cfm file:
    <form action="navigationaction.cfm" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="RecordID" value="#tripID#">
      <!--- graphical navigation buttons --->
      <input type="image" name="btnFirst" src="images/first.gif">
      <input type="image" name="btnPrev" src="images/prev.gif">
      <input type="image" name="btnNext" src="images/next.gif">
      <input type="image" name="btnLast" src="images/last.gif">

    Note:   Notice that the current trip record ID (tripID) is hidden within the form code. This is desirable because the action page must have the current record ID in order to build the query that navigates to the appropriate record in the trips database table.

  3. Save the file and view the updated tripdetail.cfm page in a browser.

    The Trip Search Results page appears:

    This image shows a picture of the Trip Search Results page.

  4. Test the buttons by clicking any navigation button.

    An error occurs because the navigation action page (navigationaction.cfm) does not exist. The navigation action page processes the navigation button requests. You will build the navigation action page in the next lesson.

Reviewing the code

The following table describes the navigation code in the Trip Detail page:
<form action="navigationaction.cfm" method="post">
Form tag identifying navigationaction.cfm to handle record navigation.
<INPUT type="hidden" name="RecordID" value="#tripID#">
Hidden RecordID field with the value of the current tripID.
<input type="image" name="btnFirst" src="images/first.gif">
<input type="image" name="btnPrev" src="images/prev.gif">
<input type="image" name="btnNext" src="images/next.gif">
<input type="image" name="btnLast" src="images/last.gif">
Navigation buttons are image type HTML input tags.

Adding database maintenance buttons

The search and sequential navigation capabilities are features for locating Compass Travel trips. After the trip coordinator locates a trip, they must be able to modify or delete the trip. Additionally, when viewing the detail for a trip, they must be allowed to add a new trip or use the search facility. To enable trip coordinators to do this, you will add the following buttons to the Trip Detail page:

This image shows a picture of the maintenance buttons.

As described earlier, it is important to pass the current record ID (tripID) to the action page to build the proper SQL statement to process the navigation button requests. It is also important to pass the current record ID to the Maintenance Action page. Therefore, you will use an HTML input tag to hide the current recordID and post it to the maintenanceaction.cfm page.

Exercise: Add Maintenance Buttons to Trip Detail Page

Follow these steps to add the database maintenance buttons to the Trip Detail page.

To add maintenance buttons:

  1. In your editor, open the tripdetail.cfm from my_app subdirectory.
  2. Enter the following code immediately after the <cfoutput query="TripQuery"> tag in the tripdetail.cfm file:
    <form action="maintenanceaction.cfm" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="RecordID" value="#tripID#">
      <input type="submit" name="btnAdd" value="   Add    ">
      <input type="submit" name="btnEdit" value="  Edit  ">
      <input type="submit" name="btnDelete" value="Delete">
      <input type="submit" name="btnSearch" value="Search">

    Note:   The current trip record ID (tripID) is in a hidden field in the form code. This field provides the action page with current record ID that it must have in order to build the query to access the appropriate record in the Trips database table.

  3. Save the file and view the updated tripdetail.cfm page in a browser (http://localhost/CFDOCS/getting_started/my_app/tripdetail.cfm).

    The page appears as follows:

    This image shows a picture of the Trip Maintenance page with maintenance buttons.

  4. Click Search or Delete to test the database maintenance buttons.

    An error occurs because the Maintenance Action page does not exist. The Maintenance Action page is required to process the maintenance button requests. You will develop this page in the next lesson.
