About using the Flash Remoting service with ColdFusion

Using the Flash Remoting service of ColdFusion MX, ColdFusion developers can work together with Macromedia Flash MX designers to build Flash UIs for ColdFusion applications. Building Flash UIs requires the separation of UI code from business logic code. User interface controls are built in Flash MX, while business logic is built in ColdFusion.

The following figure displays a simplified representation of the relationship between Flash and ColdFusion:

Flash Remoting diagram

Planning your Flash application

When planning ColdFusion application development with Flash UIs, remember the importance of separating display code from business logic. Separating display code, such as HTML, from business logic, such as CFML, enables your ColdFusion applications to interact with multiple client types, such as Flash movies, web browsers, and web services.

Building ColdFusion applications for multiple clients means that your ColdFusion pages and components return common data types, including strings, integers, query objects, structures, and arrays. Clients that receive the results can process the passed data according to the client type, such as ActionScript with Flash or CFML with ColdFusion.

To use the Macromedia Flash Remoting service with Macromedia ColdFusion MX, you build ColdFusion pages and components or deploy Java objects. In ColdFusion pages, you use the Flash variable scope to interact with Flash applications. ColdFusion components natively support Flash interaction. In addition, you can use ColdFusion's server-side ActionScript functionality, which lets you query databases and perform HTTP operations in ActionScript files on the server. The public methods of Java objects are also available to the Flash Remoting service.

The remaining sections in this chapter explain developing Flash applications with ColdFusion.
