Creating a query object from a text file

You can create a query object from a delimited text file by using the cfhttp tag and specifying method="Get" and the name attribute. This is a powerful method for processing and handling text files. After you create the query object, you can easily reference columns in the query and perform other ColdFusion operations on the data.

ColdFusion processes text files in the following manner:

To create a query from a text file:

  1. Create a text file with the following content:
    001,001,01/01/01,01/11/01,Mr. Shipper,123 Main Street
    002,002,01/01/01,01/28/01,Shipper Skipper,128 Maine Street
  2. Save the file as text.txt in the myapps directory under your web_root.
  3. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
    <cfhttp method="Get"
    <cfoutput query="juneorders">
      OrderID: #OrderID#<br>
      Order Number: #OrderNum#<br>
      Order Date: #OrderDate#<br>
    <!--- Now substitute different column names --->
    <!--- by using the columns attribute --->
    Now using replacement column names<br>
    <cfhttp method="Get"
    <cfoutput query="juneorders">
      Order ID: #ID#<br>
      Order Number: #Number#<br>
      Order Date: #SDate#<br>
  4. Save the file as query_textfile.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in the web browser:

    The results of viewing query_textfile.cfm in a browser.
