The example in this section shows how you can use XML to represent data, and how ColdFusion can use XML data in an application. Although the example is too simple to be used in an application without substantial changes, it presents some of the common uses of XML with ColdFusion.
The example receives an order in the form of an XML document, processes it, and generates an XML receipt document. In this case, the order document is in a file, but it could be received as the result of an HTTP request, or retrieved using cfpop
, cfftp
, or other methods. The ColdFusion page does the following with the order:
This example displays the results of the processing steps to show you what has been done.
The order.xml document has the following structure:
The following order.xml document works correctly with the information in the CompanyInfo database:
<order id="4323251">
<customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/> <items> <item id="43"> <name> Large Hammer </name> <quantity> 1 </quantity> <unitprice> 15.95 </unitprice> </item> <item id="54"> <name> Ladder </name> <quantity> 2 </quantity> <unitprice> 40.95 </unitprice> </item> <item id="68"> <name> Paint </name> <quantity> 10 </quantity> <unitprice> 18.95 </unitprice> </item> </items> </order>
The ColdFusion page looks like the following:
<!--- Convert file to XML document object --->
<cffile action="read" file="C:\Neo\wwwroot\examples\order.xml" variable="myxml"> <cfset mydoc = XmlParse(myxml)> <!--- Extract account number ---> <cfset accountNum=#mydoc.order.customer.XmlAttributes.accountNum#> <!--- Display Order Information ---> <cfoutput> <b>Name=</b>#mydoc.order.customer.XmlAttributes.firstname# #mydoc.order.customer.XmlAttributes.lastname# <br> <b>Account=</b>#accountNum# <br> <cfset numItems = ArrayLen(mydoc.order.items.XmlChildren)> <b>Number of items ordered=</b> #numItems# </cfoutput> <br><br> <!--- Process the order into a query object ---> <cfset orderquery = QueryNew("item_Id, name, qty, unitPrice") > <cfset temp = QueryAddRow(orderquery, #numItems#)> <cfloop index="i" from = "1" to = #numItems#> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(orderquery, "item_Id", #mydoc.order.items.item[i] ,#i#)> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(orderquery, "name", #mydoc.order.items.item[i].name.XmlText#, #i#)> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(orderquery, "qty", #mydoc.order.items.item[i].quantity.XmlText# ,#i#)> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(orderquery, "unitPrice", #mydoc.order.items.item[i].unitprice.XmlText#, #i#)> </cfloop> <!--- Display the order query ---> <cfdump var=#orderquery#> <br><br> <!--- Determine the discount ---> <cfquery name="discountQuery" datasource="CompanyInfo"> SELECT * FROM employee WHERE Emp_Id = #accountNum# </cfquery> <cfset drate = 0> <cfif #discountQuery.RecordCount# is 1> <cfset drate = 10> </cfif> <!--- Display the discount rate ---> <cfoutput> <b>Discount Rate =</b> #drate#% </cfoutput> <br><br> <!--- Compute the total cost and discount price---> <cfquery name="priceQuery" dbType="query"> SELECT SUM(qty*unitPrice) AS totalPrice FROM orderquery </cfquery> <cfset discountPrice = priceQuery.totalPrice * (1 - drate/100)> <!--- Display the full price and discounted price ---> <cfoutput> <b>Full Price=</b> #priceQuery.totalPrice#<br> <b>Discount Price=</b> #discountPrice# </cfoutput> <br><br> <!---Generate an XML Receipt ---> <cfxml variable="receiptxml"> <receipt num = "34"> <cfoutput> <price>#discountPrice#</price> <cfif drate GT 0 > <discountRate>#drate#</discountRate> </cfif> </cfoutput> <itemsFilled> <cfoutput query="orderQuery"> <name> #name# </name> <qty> #qty# </qty> <price> #qty*unitPrice# </price> </cfoutput> </itemsFilled> </receipt> </cfxml> <!--- Display the resulting receipt ---> <cfdump var=#receiptxml#>
The following table describes the CFML code and its function. For the sake of brevity it does not include code that displays the processing results.