Passing variables to custom tags and UDFs

The following sections describe rules for how data gets passed to custom tags and user-defined functions that are written in CFML, and to CFX custom tags that are written in Java or C++.

Passing Variables to CFML tags and UDFs

When you pass a variable to a CFML custom tag as an attribute, or to a user-defined function as an argument, the following rules determine whether the custom tag or function receives its own private copy of the variable or only gets a reference to the calling page's variable:

If the tag or function gets a copy of the calling page's data, changes to the variable in the custom tag or function do not change the value of the variable on the calling page. If the variable is passed by reference, changes to the variable in the custom tag or function also change the value of the variable in the calling page.

To pass a variable to a custom tag, you must put the variable name in pound signs. To pass a variable to a function, do not put the variable name in pound signs. For example, the following code calls a user-defined function using three Form variables:

TOTAL INTEREST: #TotalInterest(Form.Principal, Form.AnnualPercent,

The following example calls a custom tag using two variables, MyString and MyArray:

<cf_testTag stringval=#MyString# arrayval=#MyArray#>

Passing variables to CFX tags

You cannot pass arrays, structures, or cfobject objects to CFX tags. You can pass a query to a CFX tag by using the query attribute when calling the tag. ColdFusion normally converts simple data types to strings when passing them to CFX tags; however, the Java Request Interface getIntAttribute method allows you to get a passed integer value.
