Calling user-defined functions

You can call a UDF in two ways:

You can use either technique for any function. However, if you use named arguments, you must use the same argument names to call the function as you use to define the function. You cannot call a function with a mixture of named and unnamed arguments. For more information on calling functions with and without argument names, see "Calling functions and using variables".

One example of a user-defined function is a TotalInterest function that calculates loan payments based on a principal amount, annual percentage, and loan duration in months (For this function's definition, see "A User-defined function example"). You might call the function without argument names on a form's action page, as follows:

Interest: #TotalInterest(Form.Principal, Form.Percent, Form.Months)#

You might call the function with argument names, as follows:

Interest: #TotalInterest(principal=Form.Principal, annualPercent=Form.Percent,
