Handling exceptions

ColdFusion provides two statements for exception handling in CFScript: try and catch. These statements are equivalent to the CFML cftry and cfcatch tags.

Note:   This section does not explain exception handling concepts. For a discussion of exception handling in ColdFusion, see Chapter 14, "Handling Errors".

Exception handling syntax and rules

Exception-handling code in CFScript has the following format:

  Code where exceptions will be caught
catch(exceptionType exceptionVariable)
  Code to handle exceptions of type exceptionType 
  that occur in the try block
catch(exceptionTypeN exceptionVariableN)
  Code to handle exceptions of type 
  exceptionTypeN that occur in the try block

Note:   In CFScript, catch statements follow the try block; you do not put them inside the try block. This structure differs from that of the cftry tag, which must include the cfcatch tags in its body.

When you have a try statement, you must have a catch statement. In the catch block, the exceptionVariable variable contains the exception type. This variable is the equivalent of the cfcatch tag cfcatch.Type built-in variable.

Exception handling example

The following code shows exception handling in CFScript. It uses a CreateObject function to create a Java object. The catch statement executes only if the CreateObject function generates an exception. The displayed information includes the exception message; the except.Message variable is the equivalent of calling the Java getMessage method on the returned Java exception object.

    emp = CreateObject("Java", "Employees");
  catch(Any excpt)
    WriteOutput("The application was unable to perform a required operation.<br>
Please try again later.<br>If this problem persists, contact
Customer Service and include the following information:<br>
