Custom Extensions

You can extend the functionality of the ColdFusion Administrator by adding links to other web applications and sites. These links appear under the Custom Extensions section in the left navigation pane of the Administrator.

Note:   You must create a link for the Custom Extensions section to appear in the Administrator.

To extend the Administrator, create a file that contains the HTML link code, followed by a <BR>, with a separate line for each link. Do not include other HTML code, such as <head> or <body> tags. Save this file as extensionscustom.cfm in the Administrator root directory (/CFIDE/Administrator/).

For example, the following file adds to the Administrator links for Bowdoin College, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and La Sapienza:

<a href="" target="content">Bowdoin College</a><br>
<a href="http://www." target="content">Universidad Complutense de Madrid</a><br>
<a href="" target="content">La Sapienza</a><br>

When you click a link, the contents of the page appear in the main pane of the Administrator, as in the following figure:

The figure shows a custom extension in the Administrator.
